Cybersecurity Manager Cover Letter Sample

March 02, 2023

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Here’s a sample Cover Letter we recently produced for a Cybersecurity Manager in Singapore.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • About the Cybersecurity Manager Role
  • What Hiring Manager Look For In Cybersecurity Manager Cover Letter
  • Cybersecurity Manager Job Opportunities
  • Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter

Cybersecurity Manager Cover Letter [Full Sample]

Here’s a full Cybersecurity Manager Cover Letter sample, which we wrote for a client recently. It comprehensive covers all the things that it needs to, from a solid introduction through to a flattering finish.

Email:   |   Mobile: +65 12 9876 2345
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

[If you know the name of the Hiring Manager, personalise your application by addressing the person directly. Job ads on LinkedIn, for example, display the name of the person posting the ad.]

Application for the Position of Cybersecurity Manager

I’m thrilled to apply for the position of Cybersecurity Manager at XYZ Company. Through my >5-years’ experience advising and developing IT solutions within the manufacturing, insurance business and petrochemical industries across APAC, I’ve come to specialize in developing and executing strategic cybersecurity roadmaps, deploying security and compliance requirements, and leading productive and well-integrated teams. I possess demonstrable technical expertise and knowledge of best practices for core security monitoring & response services, regulatory compliance, and security incident response management domains. With my proven track record of successful IT infrastructure and industrial product implementations, I am positive that I am an ideal candidate for XYZ Company. [This section summarizes your work experience as a Cybersecurity and IT Professional, which will help give the hiring manager an idea of what you can do.]

  • In my current role as Regional Manager for Information Security (IS) & ICT with ABC Inc., I consult with group subsidiaries across APAC to drive implementation of IS, Risk Management and ICT strategic plans. In addition, I collaborate closely with global HQ Information Management to formulate plans that align with the International Group’s IS Policy. Beyond these, I provide key advisory in establishing risk monitoring mechanisms and reporting structures, and ensure APAC subsidiaries’ compliance with HQ IS standards. Amongst my various achievements, I’m most proud of conceptualizing a 3-year IS strategic roadmap and ongoing action plans within 12 months for APAC subsidiaries, setting up and delivering ITIL best practices and governance. [Cite a recent achievement that has quantifiable metrics to support your capabilities. Do be aware of your company confidentiality clause.]

XYZ Company is renowned for leveraging lean and agile methodologies to deploy software quickly and efficiently, and continuously delivering industry-leading products. My deep understanding of today’s digital practices & trends, combined with my practical experience in driving and implementing strategic IS and ICT plans, allows me to effectively translate business and user requirements into actionable IT business cases. With my ability to articulate project design recommendations and deploy solutions continuously and rapidly, I’m confident of contributing effectively to XYZ Company’s growth and performance. Focus on complementary skills that were not previously mentioned, but are directly relevant to the target role, which the firm could be looking for.]

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of such a renowned firm and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to XYZ Company. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +65 12 1234 5678 or by email at [To wrap up, do include your contact details, so that the hiring manager can follow up with you easily for next steps.]

Yours faithfully,
Manny Tan


About the Cybersecurity Role

Cybersecurity is a niche but growing subsector in the Information Technology industry, with roles such as security engineers, testers and architects only set to become more in demand in the future.

With the seismic shift towards all things digital, online security is more important now than ever. These factors are driving demand for skilled Cybersecurity experts.

Cybersecurity professionals are frequently on the lookout for software and infrastructure vulnerabilities in company systems or technology. They adopt a proactive and preventive stance, designing tests and controls that guard against cyber attacks before they actually happen.

Seasoned Cybersecurity experts may even set up their own Cybersecurity consultancies or practices that work independently with corporate clients. While the field is niche, it is a high-growth sector with plenty of lucrative and exciting opportunities.

What Hiring Managers Look for in Cybersecurity Cover Letters

Cybersecurity is a niche sector in the IT Industry, so it is not uncommon for recruiters to be unfamiliar with the intricacies of the role. It is therefore important to ensure your cover letter succinctly and clearly conveys your skills and strengths, such that it is easily understandable even to a general IT recruiter. To best play up your cover letter:

  • Support your Achievements and Work Scopes with metrics. Cybersecurity professional typically have work KPIs that are highly quantifiable. Support your achievements and claims with numbers to effectively and clearly communicate the impact your work has made.
  • Demonstrate a combination of hard and soft skills, and how you have applied these skills to solve real-life problems you have faced before.

Cybersecurity Manager Job Opportunities

  • Join LinkedIn groups or follow companies you wish to work for to keep abreast with new job openings.
  • Alternatively, you can reach out to these headhunters in Singapore to learn about any vacancies they may be trying to fill out.

Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter

Before You Go…

Before you start sending out applications, send us your resume for a free CV feedback analysis from our team. We’ll review your CV in detail, share personalised feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, and show you how you can improve it.

Harry Suresh