5 Ways to Get More Job Interviews When You’re Not Getting Interview Callbacks

February 21, 2023

Applied for many jobs without getting any interview callbacks? If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. This happens more often than you’d think. And if you can’t even get to the interview process, it’s impossible to show the hiring team what you have to offer.

So how can you land more interviews? Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to let your prospective employer know that you’re one candidate they need to callback for an interview.

1. Tailor your CV and Cover Letter for the job

You might be sending the same generic CV and Cover Letters to every role you apply for.

It’s faster and helps you apply to more roles. So, you’ll quickly land a job, right?


Don’t do this!

This spray-and-pray approach wouldn’t work.

Every job is unique and has different requirements. Positions with the same title might require knowledge of different technical tools and frameworks.

A generic CV or Cover Letter is a dead giveaway that the candidate didn’t do sufficient research on the role.

It tells the HR Manager that this candidate couldn’t be bothered.

That this candidate is lazy.

So, tailor your CV and Cover Letter for every application.

Show employers that you’re enthusiastic about joining their company, and the role.

Show them your attention to detail.

Give them two more reasons to interview you.

Learn how to write a tailored CV with our Ultimate CV Guide. Then, customise your Cover Letter with our Ultimate Cover Letter Guide.

ResumeWriter Tip: When you’re done, why not try our free CV feedback session? Our team of recruiters will review your CV and give you personalised feedback on your resume.

This is EXACTLY what our client Lena faced in her job search.

She applied for more than 50 jobs across 4 months.

But had ZERO interview calls.

Frustrated, she reached out to us.

After we taught her our strategies, she landed an interview at a prestigious American MNC just 30 MINUTES after applying for the role!!


The shortcut is to reach out to us for CV and Cover Letter help. But if you prefer working on your job application documents on your own, we have a few more solutions to help you land interview callbacks.

2. Enhance Your Skills

Want to increase your chances of getting through the ATS scanner?

Add more skills that are relevant to the job ad into your CV!

Some Job Descriptions (especially those on LinkedIn) outline Key Skills employers are looking for.

Include them in the ‘Key Skills’ section on the first page of your CV to stand out even more to employers.

Alas, if you don’t meet most of the skills requirements in the job description, it’s unlikely you’ll get a callback.

If this sounds like you, you might need to be more realistic about your target roles.

Work hard to fill in skills gaps on your CV – here are some courses to help you pick up new skills.

3. Email the Hiring Manager

In today’s job market, the front door to a job might be too crowded. It’s unlikely you’ll get noticed there. You’ll need to learn how to bypass HR Departments and reach out to hiring managers in creative ways.

One way you could do so is by sending a direct email to the Hiring Manager, or someone in the department you wish to apply to.

Look them up on LinkedIn, and find their email. If their email is hidden, Skrapp is a helpful Chrome extension to help you obtain it.

Email hiring managers with some smart and creative solutions to enhance their business or drive revenue. Impress them and show them the value you’ll bring.

4. Optimise your CV for ATS Scanners

Tailoring your CV is the first step. Most employers vet candidates’ CVs with resume scanning software.

Also known as Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Scanners, this software helps HR Teams filter through hundreds or thousands of resumes.

The HR Manager sets the system to look out for particular job-related keywords on candidates’ resumes. Only keyword-optimised resumes get past the scanner, and onto the Hiring Manager’s desk.

What does this mean for you? If your resume is not keyword-optimised, you probably won’t get a callback. So how do you avoid this?

By including the necessary keywords in your CV! Ensure your CV has keywords related to the role or positions you are applying for. Look for these keywords in the job listing or ad, and embed them onto your CV.

Also, keep key phrases on the same line in your CV! ATS Scanners cannot read across multiple lines. They also cannot read fancy fonts, large images, graphics and borders. Avoid using them! Sounds like hard work?

Make it easier for yourself by downloading our resume Templates.

5. Follow Specific Instructions on Job Advertisements

Some roles require other application information beyond a CV and Cover Letter.

Some Job Advertisements may include instructions such as:

  • Attach a copy of your previous works
  • Send your portfolio along with your resume
  • When applying, include ceo@company.com and director@company.com with your application.
  • Put “RE: Sales Manager Position” as the subject of your email
  • Address your Cover Letter to Mr. John Doe
  • Send your Resume in a Microsoft Word format

Follow these instructions! They may seem minor, but a candidate who cannot follow simple directions will leave a negative impression.

For popular roles with many applicants, hiring managers may just prioritise those who followed their instructions, and ignore those who didn’t.

A simple mistake could hold you back from landing your dream job. Don’t let that happen to you.

Read the job advertisement carefully and pay attention to special instructions. Check and verify your application before submitting it.


These 5 tips help our clients land way more interviews. Many interview tips are common sense – arrive early, maintain good manners and give strong answers to an interviewers questions. But for many, getting to the interview stage is actually the hard part.

Want personalised job search advice, like what we shared with Lena, and our full playbook of interview strategies? Just reach out to us.

If not, try following these 5 tips! By doing this you can let the employer know you’re the ideal candidate, and eventually land more interviews. And hopefully, at the end of it you’ll end up with your dream job.

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Harry Suresh